Bölüm 2 Başlangıç Bilgileri Bölüm 2 Sayfa 3 2.17 - Ada 2012 Öntanımlı Paketleri. Ada çekirdek sisteminde tanımlanmamış olan veri giriş çıkışları, dosya sistemleri, işletim sistemi ile ilişki kurulması gibi yöntemler, Ada derleyicisi ile birlikte verilen öntanımlı paketler halinde verilir.
implementation-defined; subtype Positive_Count is Count range 1 .. Count'Last; Unbounded : constant Count := 0; -lineandpagelength subtype Field is Integer range 0 .. implementation-defined; subtype Number_Base is Integer range 2 .. 16; Dokan is a user-space file system for Windows 32- and 64-bit.
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3. type File_Type is limited private;. 4 Use_Error : exception renames IO_Exceptions.Use_Error; IO_Exceptions; with Ada.Streams; with Parameters; package Ada.Text_IO is type Name_Error; Use_Error : exception renames IO_Exceptions.Use_Error IO_Exceptions; use Ada.IO_Exceptions; 36 with Interfaces. Is_Regular_File then 292 raise Use_Error; 293 end if; 294 295 declare 296 Filename : aliased Feb 1, 2012 adir Starting default directory: /home/thomas/wiki_examples/aDir/some_dir raised ADA.IO_EXCEPTIONS.USE_ERROR : creation of new 2.4 — create an archive library of Ada object files . . . 2-15.
Name_Error; 62 Use_Error: exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Use_Error; 63 Device_Error: exception renames Ada.IO_Exceptions.Device_Error; 64 private 65-- Not specified by the language 66 end Ada.Directories;
. .
with Ada.IO_Exceptions; package Ada.Streams.Stream_IO is type Stream_Access is access all Root_Stream_Type'Class; type File_Type is limited private; type File_Mode is (In_File, Out_File, Append_File);
package Ada.IO_Exceptions is pragma Pure(IO_Exceptions);. 4. Status_Error : exception; Mode_Error : exception; Name_Error : exception; Use_Error (3) package Ada.IO_Exceptions is pragma Pure(IO_Exceptions); (4) Status_Error : exception; Mode_Error : exception; Name_Error : exception; Use_Error They are declared in the package IO_EXCEPTIONS, defined in section 14.5; this USE_ERROR, and DEVICE_ERROR are raised; for full details see Appendix Exceptions. Data_Error. Device_Error.
Access to a stream file is either sequential, via a call on Read or Write to transfer an array of stream elements, or positional (if supported by the implementation for the given file), by specifying a relative index for an element. UnZip.Streams ----- Extracts, as a stream, a file which is has been compressed into a Zip archive. The Zip archive itself (the input) can be a file or a more general stream. The following representation clause allows the use of unchecked conversion for rapid translation between the File_Mode type used in this package and System.File_IO. Introduction au langage ada hongyang qu 2007 le nom télécharger cours complet d’ada en pdf ada • il a été choisi en l’honneur d’ada lovelace (1815 - 1852). l’histoire du langage ada • le dé ----- -- -- -- gnat runtime components -- -- -- -- a d a . ----- -- -- -- gnat runtime components -- -- -- -- a d a .
blob: 48319d62f413262674819ec9dad43d064e32c607 [] [] [] ----- -- -- -- gnat runtime components -- -- -- -- a d a . with Ada.IO_Exceptions; package Ada.Streams.Stream_IO is type Stream_Access is access all Root_Stream_Type'Class; type File_Type is limited private; type File_Mode is (In_File, Out_File, Append_File); type Count is range 0 .. implementation-defined; subtype Positive_Count is Count range 1 .. Count'Last;-Indexintofile,instreamelements. procedure Create (File : in out File_Type; Foreword.
Layout_Error. Mode_Error. Name_Error. Status_Error. Use_Error.
IO_Exceptions; with Ada. Tracing implementation is intended for use with GNAT Ada. An implementation may raise Use_Error on a wrong object. See also IO_Exceptions; use Ada. This new Ada fixes many of the flaws in the original language, and extends it in many useful ways. use_error :exception renames IO_EXCEPTIONS.use_error;. This reference manual assumes that you are familiar with Ada 95 language, Ada.IO_Exceptions (A.13): This package defines the set of exceptions that can be from another Ada compiler to GNAT, the effect will be that Use_Error is rai Ada is a programming language designed In accordance with requirements The package IO-EXCEPTIONS defines the exceptions needed by the above three tion USE-ERROR Is raised If, for the specified mode, the environment does not May 4, 2006 It supports Ada, C, and C++ modules in a multi-language environment, and supplements the unit coverage provided by VectorCAST/C++ and. This manual describes how to compile, link, and execute DEC Ada programs.
use_error :exception renames IO_EXCEPTIONS.use_error;. This reference manual assumes that you are familiar with Ada 95 language, Ada.IO_Exceptions (A.13): This package defines the set of exceptions that can be from another Ada compiler to GNAT, the effect will be that Use_Error is rai Ada is a programming language designed In accordance with requirements The package IO-EXCEPTIONS defines the exceptions needed by the above three tion USE-ERROR Is raised If, for the specified mode, the environment does not May 4, 2006 It supports Ada, C, and C++ modules in a multi-language environment, and supplements the unit coverage provided by VectorCAST/C++ and. This manual describes how to compile, link, and execute DEC Ada programs. IO_EXCEPTIONS spec pragma See also USE_ERROR. FAIMODTIM, Unable satisfied (heap or stack) Tasking _Error : communication failure Defined in Ada. IO_Exceptions: Data_Error, End_Error, Name_Error, Use_Error, Mode_Error, May 14, 2002 how programs written in Ada using GNAT can be interfaced to other Ada. IO_Exceptions (A.13) The exception Use_Error will be raised. Jan 22, 1983 of Defense, Only compilers which have ban validatad by theAda Joint Program Office (AJ~) shall be used in DoD Ada is the result of a collective effort to design a common language tor programming 12,3, index 14,2, zało się, że również tam Ada została przyjęta jako język programowania, którego Wyjątki związane z obsługa plików zgromadzone sa w pakiecie IO Exceptions i wymienienia: Status Error, Mode Error, Name Error, Use Error, Device Error L'exemple le plus classique de renommage est celui du paquetage ADA. TEXT_IO qui renomme les exceptions de IO_EXCEPTIONS en utilisant … les mêmes communication failure • Defined in Ada.IO_Exceptions: • Data_Error, End_Error , Name_Error, Use_Error, Mode_Error, Status_Error, Device_Error concurrency 16. Okt. 1998 Der Ada 95 Compiler GNAT .
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As for the ADA.IO_EXCEPTIONS.MODE_ERROR exception being raised. You asked to read from a file handle opened in write only mode (Out_File) - this is a clear error and results in the exception being raised.
blob: 48319d62f413262674819ec9dad43d064e32c607 [] [] [] The following representation clause allows the use of unchecked conversion for rapid translation between the File_Mode type used in this package and System.File_IO. with Ada.IO_Exceptions; package Ada.Streams.Stream_IO is type Stream_Access is access all Root_Stream_Type'Class; type File_Type is limited private; type File_Mode is (In_File, Out_File, Append_File); Using Console Mode Console mode is discussed in clause 2.3 of the Janus/Ada manual. Console mode requires a special version of the runtime, and this needs to be set ----- -- -- -- gnat runtime components -- -- -- -- a d a . The subprograms in the child package Streams.Stream_IO provide control over stream files. Access to a stream file is either sequential, via a call on Read or Write to transfer an array of stream elements, or positional (if supported by the implementation for the given file), by specifying a relative index for an element.